This Release and Waiver of Liability (the “Release”) is executed on the day of submission denoted by system timestamp by the Participant in favor of CREEKSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH & SAN RAMON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, both non-profit corporations organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, USA, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers and agents (collectively, "Creekside" & "SRPC”). This Release and Waiver of Liability will be in effect for 12 months from the day and time of submission.
I, the Participant, desire to participate with Creekside & SRPC in a service or construction project, and engage in the activities related to being a participant in any of the “Building Bridges” activities on Saturday October 15, 2022. I understand that the activities may include but are not limited to, walking, lifting, construction, being transported to and from site locations, consuming food, working at the SRPC site and other participatory related activities.
Thanks so much for committing your Saturday on October 15, 2022 to put Love in Action by serving neighbors in our community!
We will connect with you on any details as the event nears to keep you informed. See you soon!