Prayer & Support
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We all have problems. It might be with anxiety, or maybe with anger, loss, depression, fear, relationships, financial hardships, or addictions. In the midst of our issues, our tendency is to isolate, but God calls us to “bear one another’s burdens” and to “comfort one another with the comfort with which we ourselves have been comforted by God” (Gal 6:2 & 2 Cor.1:4). It is difficult to do either of these in isolation. There is power in joining together and weakness in drawing apart.
When we have problems, we need someone to listen to us, to pray for us, to encourage us, to stand by us while we sort through what God has in mind for us, and to remind us of His truth and love and care for us. We are never beyond God’s wisdom and power. Relational Care is a lay counseling ministry designed to help those in need climb into the lap of Him who never leaves us or forsakes us.
For one reason or another, we may not have a close friend or family member we feel we can go to for the support and help we need to work through our issue. We may not be willing or able to get professional help from a counselor, or maybe we do not think our issue is serious enough to warrant such a commitment. Relational Care is a ministry that provides one on one time with a caring team member that can stand in the gap between friends and family, or a professional counselor, and provide needed support.
Relational Care is not a replacement for professional licensed therapy. It does not come with a promise to remove your pain and heartache. It is not going to “fix” you, or give you all the answers you need to solve all of your problems so you can live happily every after.
Relational Care provides a committed team member to stand by you as you “work out your salvation with fear and trembling, knowing it is God who is at work in you to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Phil 2:12-13).
Relational Care is made up of a team of caring, capable, individuals who are gifted and committed to helping those who want to be helped. Team members have been trained by Joe Bishop who was a pastor at Creekside for several years and has an ongoing lay counseling ministry called Respero. Joe continues to meet with team members at Creekside on a regular basis for further training and supervision.
Relational Care is a confidential ministry. Cases will be discussed among the team members only for the purpose of needed wisdom and support.
Relational Care is a free service. We consider it “normal Christianity” to come along side people and help them sort through issues that God has allowed into their lives. It is a privilege and honor to be involved with those in need and to discover together the grace and power of our God in our daily lives and struggles.
If you feel Relational Care will be beneficial to you, and would like to take part in this service, please fill out the questionnaire by clicking the NEXT STEPS button below. Once your questionnaire is received, Gregg or Rhonda will give you a call and discuss the next steps.
--- The Relational Care Team